Product Launches

Cointreau Caviar

Cointreau Caviar

By Claire Miller

Drinks brand Cointreau has created a caviar version of itself to add a twist to cocktails

Protect Against Overflowing Baths

Protect Against Overflowing Baths

By Nova-FloTM

A recurring problem for hoteliers - overflowing baths - could be a thing of the past thanks to new technology that utilises an innovative magnetic anti-overflow system. Noa-FloTM was officially launched at Hotelympia.

Shift Towards Online Booking Intensifies

Shift Towards Online Booking Intensifies

By Alan Lodge

Latest figures reveal that for the first time the majority of domestic holiday and business travellers in the UK are booking their hotels online, with a huge 70 per cent of business travellers using the internet to make their hotel reservations.

Almondy Provides Gluten-Free Solution

Almondy Provides Gluten-Free Solution

By Almondy

The demand for gluten-free products is on the increase. Swedish premium frozen cake manufacturer Almondy has a range of desserts that fit the bill.

Guidebook Highlights the Best of Scotland

Guidebook Highlights the Best of Scotland

By Alan Lodge

Pete Irvines guidebook Scotland: The Best is republished in a new bumper-sized edition featuring the authors top 10 restaurants in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Guide to mineral waters

Guide to mineral waters

By Restaurant

There are so many mineral waters to choose from, the choice is bewildering. Darrell Burnham puts his palate to the test The Best Western Monkbar Hotel has an unusual attraction for a hotel in York – a Water Sommelier. Darrell Burnham ...

Putting together a beer list

Putting together a beer list

By Restaurant

Who says wine is the only complement to quality cuisine? Time to wake up and smell the hops – beer belongs on the menu too Gone are the days when the only food associated with beer was a meat pie and a bag of pork scratchings. The country's .

Guide to your summer wine list

Guide to your summer wine list

By Restaurant

Despite the changeable weather, summer is well and truly upon us. The wine trade may think nothing happens from June until August, but many restaurateurs will be busy, not just with tourists, but regular customers who can't take three months off...

Offer free Wi-Fi to keep customers happy

Offer free Wi-Fi to keep customers happy

By Restaurant

BigHospitality discovers that offering free wireless coverage on your premises is no longer a luxury – it's a necessity if you want to keep your customers happy

Wine guide to summer Rosés

Wine guide to summer Rosés

By Restaurant

In the spirit of optimism that informs the British attitude to the weather, this Spring's fine conditions lead me to expect a hot summer. As I write, we are told that the oak tree budding before the ash means a dry summer – so the ...

Portuguese Wine making

Portuguese Wine making

By Restaurant

The days when Portugal was known only for fortified wines, fizzy pinks and tannic reds that remained undrinkable for years are long gone. It shares, with Italy, the blessing – and handicap – of a variety of grapes that, mostly, no one ...

Rosé Champagne, in high demand

Rosé Champagne, in high demand

By Restaurant

Is it just a fizz? The Champagne houses clearly think not as production is stepped up to meet popular demand The growth in sales of pink wines over the past few years has been exceptional. Rosé Champagne has been particularly successful, with ..

Guinness is not the only porter

Guinness is not the only porter

By Restaurant

We tasted nine variations on the theme Porter, apparently, was first drunk in London in the 1730s and became very popular in Britain and Ireland. It declined in popularity in Britain with the advent of pale ales, but continued to grow in popularity ...