Business & Legislation

Freedom Day to go ahead on 19 July with social distancing and table ordering rules scrapped

'Freedom Day' to go ahead on 19 July, but Government urges caution

By BigHospitalit

Health Secretary Sajid Javid has confirmed that England will move to Step 4 of its plans to ease Coronavirus restrictions on the so-called ‘Freedom Day’ of 19 July, but that businesses and large events will be encouraged to use vaccine passports.

Government reconsiders 'vaccine passports'

Government reconsiders 'vaccine passports'

By James McAllister

The Government is reportedly considering plans to introduce so-called 'vaccine passports' for hospitality in the autumn, despite a recent review concluding there should be no legal requirements for their use.

Nisha Katona's Indian street food group Mowgli mulls London restaurant opening this year

Mowgli mulls London opening

By James McAllister

Indian street food group Mowgli is considering a move to the capital before the end of the year.

Boris Johnson to confirm 19 July unlocking in England with social distancing and restrictions on bar ordering scrapped

Johnson to confirm 19 July unlocking in England

By James McAllister

Boris Johnson is expected to confirm the lifting of most remaining Covid-19 restrictions in England will go ahead on 19 July with social distancing and restrictions on bar ordering scrapped.

PizzaLuxe set for immediate expansion

PizzaLuxe set for 'immediate expansion'

By James McAllister

Fast-casual concept PizzaLuxe is preparing for 'immediate expansion' with plans to build a core estate in the north of England.

Leiths launches £750k grant fund

Leiths launches £750k grant fund

By Joe Lutrario

Leiths School of Food and Wine has launched £750k scheme to help ease the current recruitment crisis in hospitality.

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