Trends & Reports

The performance of the UK team at the recent World Pastry Cup garnered industry attention but are pastry chef careers valued as much in this country as they are in other parts of the World? Photo credit: Sirha

Keeping sweet: Are pastry chef careers valued in the UK?

From William Curley to Claire Clark, the UK has produced some of the leading masters in chocolate, sugar and all things sweet. However employers still report difficulties in filling pastry chef vacancies - so is a career in pastry as valued in this country...

Food and drink sales at railway stations continue to rise

Food and drink sales at railway stations continue to rise

By Emma Eversham

Food and drink sales at railway stations are continuing to rise faster than those on the high street according to the latest figures from Network Rail, who says that the areas now provide operators with some of the most lucrative trading environments...

The Hospitality Guild's Act NOW! campaign is designed to meet the needs of hospitality businesses of all sizes

Hospitality Guild calls on employers to Act NOW! on apprenticeships

By Luke Nicholls

The Hospitality Guild has launched a new apprenticeship campaign to raise employers’ and learners’ awareness of the career development opportunities offered by apprenticeships, in a bid to help 20,000 young people gain paid employment in hotels, restaurants...

Family Friendly: Restaurants have been urged to do more to offer healthy menu alternatives for kids

London restaurants urged to offer healthier kids meals

By Peter Ruddick

The Manor Arms pub in Streatham has been voted the best of the capital's eateries for healthy kids meals but other operators in the capital have been urged to do more to improve their children's menus.

The London campus of Swiss hospitality school the Glion Institute of Higher Education will welcome its first students in August

Glion Institute reveals London hospitality management course details

By Peter Ruddick

Arie van der Spek, senior vice president of Laureate Hospitality Education, has told BigHospitality the courses at the London outpost of the Glion Institute of Higher Education are more expensive than others on offer in the UK but will deliver a good...

It might not be a comprehensive dictionary for publicans, but our A-Z of Pubs and Bars is a handy guide on some of the key terms and trends in the fast-moving industry

The A-Z of Pubs and Bars

By Peter Ruddick

While publicans might not be faced with as baffling a list of acronyms as hoteliers or as driven by fashion as some restaurateurs, our handy A-Z glossary of key industry terms and trends is a must-read for those looking to make a few pounds from a few...

The Colliers International Hotels Agency team sold 96 UK hotels in 2012

Is the financial stress beginning to ease for UK hotels?

By Luke Nicholls

Despite hoteliers battling the perfect storm of the on-going recession, high rates of VAT and costly planning delays – the industry will be buoyed by the fact that only 26 per cent of hotel sales last year were ‘distressed transactions’ emanating from...

This restaurant glossary of terms explains some of the key terms of the trade and rounds up some of the trends shaking up the UK industry

The A-Z of Restaurants

By Luke Nicholls

The restaurant sector is a busy place, full of operators large and small, formal and casual, corporate and independent, high-end and mainstream, which can make it hard to define. Here in our A-Z guide we summarise it in just 26 words, explaining some...

On and off the menu: What fish is safe to serve?

On and off the menu: What fish is safe to serve?

By Emma Eversham

With fish charity the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) making updates to its Fish to Eat list, downgrading previously sustainable and popular fish mackerel and gurnard, we take a closer look at what fish and seafood it does and doesn't recommend...

Classic Cuisine has introduced a number of new vegetarian meals to its 2013 range of products including a roast root vegetable and rarebit tart

Classic Cuisine introduces new vegetarian meals for 2013

By Peter Ruddick

Frozen ready meal firm Classic Cuisine has expanded its range of vegetarian meals for 2013 and developed a number of new products to tap into the growing demand from consumers and hospitality businesses for meat-free options.

Global hotel operator Accor opened 266 new hotels in 2012

Accor reveals 'record' 2012, 266 new hotels opened

By Peter Ruddick

Global hotel operator Accor has revealed it opened a record 266 new hotels in 2012 as the company's move to managed and franchised venues helped grow gross revenue by 11 per cent.

Compared to the packed calendar of events last year, 'Empty 13' may be more of a struggle for hoteliers

Supply and demand growth predicted for UK hotels in 2013

By Luke Nicholls

A number of hotel industry experts have already outlined their pessimism for the year ahead, with some predicting a distinct lack of consumers and investment. But a new forecast from STR Global estimates there will actually be an increase in supply and...

Christie & Co's 2013 Business Outlook launched yesterday at Merchant Taylors' Hall in Threadneedle Street

Business Outlook 2013: What’s next for hospitality?

By Luke Nicholls

Smaller, up-and-coming pub operators will have more opportunities to expand, restaurateurs will begin to divert away from the high street and more hoteliers will begin actively preparing for recovery.

The Pastry Room is launching its new product - a frozen pastry crumb which makes instant pastry - at The Hospitality Show in Birmingham

The Pastry Room launches 'freeze’n’flow' instant pastry

By Peter Ruddick

In the third of our week of news stories featuring products launching at The Hospitality Show, we preview the debut of The Pastry Room and its new product - a frozen pastry crumb which creates an instant pastry with the addition of water.

From asking customers to upload photo and video to your website to employing a professional photographer to capture the spirit of your business; photo and video can be great marketing tools - photo credit Tyson Sadlo

How to market your hospitality business better using photo and video

By Peter Ruddick

A picture might tell a thousand words but getting the right photo and video to market your hotel, restaurant, pub or bar is often not as simple as penning some winning prose - so what top tips can hospitality businesses take to improve their imagery?

Cask ale brewer Greene King raked in £2.7m on Christmas Day

Christmas sales boost for Greene King

By Luke Nicholls

Greene King has posted a record set of results for the Christmas and New Year period, helping the group’s overall like-for-like sales increase by 3.7 per cent for the 36 weeks to 6 January 2013.

The Sustainable Restaurant Association estimates that the average UK restaurant throws away 21 tonnes of food every year

Restaurants must change attitude to food waste, says SRA

By Luke Nicholls

Restaurants should be serving smaller portion sizes and encouraging diners to take home leftovers in doggy boxes, according to the Sustainable Restaurant Assocation (SRA), which is urging all UK foodservice businesses to try and reduce the ‘shocking’...

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