Trends & Reports

A bit on the side: restaurants maximise revenue with innovative add-ons

Special feature

A bit on the side: restaurants maximise revenue with innovative add-ons

By Carina Perkins

Soaring costs, changing consumer demands and the rise of the big brands mean independent eateries can’t afford to rest on their laurels. BigHospitality looks at some innovative ways that restaurants are extending their offer to maximise returns and keep...

The BBPA has called for another cut in beer duty to help revive beer sales in pubs

Off-trade beer sales overtake on-trade for first time

By Carina Perkins

Sales of beer in supermarkets and off-licences overtook pub sales for the first time on record last year, according to the latest data from the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA).

More than a quarter of people said their biggest concern about going away on their own was having to eat on their own

Eating alone is biggest concern for solo travellers

By Emma Eversham

Restaurant staff are being urged to make solo diners feel more comfortable after a survey found that a quarter of British diners feel they receive worse service when dining alone. 

London diners were asked about the factors influencing their restaurant choices

Survey reveals London dining habits

By Carina Perkins

Local sourcing and provenance are more important to Londoners than the reputation of a restaurant’s head chef, according to new research from Camden eatery Gilgamesh.

Freebies can help get people through the door, while loyalty schemes can help you retain customers

Infographic: Adding loyalty to the menu - does it pay off?

By Carina Perkins

Restaurants should offer freebies when they first open to increase footfall and build customer loyalty through reward schemes, according this new infographic from marketing and loyalty platform provider Coniq.

The UK hotel industry enjoyed a great year in 2014, with cities like Edinburgh recording strong uplifts in profits

Hotel profits up across UK in 2014

By Carina Perkins

The UK hotel industry had a ‘great year’ in 2014, with strong December performance helping push profits up across London and the provinces, according to the latest UK Chain Hotels Market Review from Hotstats.

New data suggests more international tourists are starting to travel across the UK than ever before

UK regions feel benefit of overseas visitor growth

By Carina Perkins

UK regions saw faster growth in overseas visits than London last year, although the capital enjoyed the biggest uplift in tourism spend, according to new analysis from VisitBritain.

A large number of hotels were sold to new owners and investors in 2014 with prices up 17 per cent on the previous year

Hunger for hotels leads to 17% property price rise

By Emma Eversham

Interest from US investors and a return of confidence in the market helped drive up the average property price in the hotel sector by 17 per cent last year, according to a report by Christie & Co. 

Porcelain is predicted to make a come-back this year as chefs do away with novelty tableware

Restaurant trends for 2015

By Stefan Chomka & Joe Lutrario

Fast fine food, shawarma with drama, rotisseried vegetables and the return of the plate: Restaurant magazine predicts what’s on the menu for 2015.

Lobster Kitchen is part of a new breed of lobster shacks

Lobster to feature on more menus in 2015

By Stefan Chomka

Lobster will become much more commonplace, and be available at a lower price in 2015 as the premium seafood becomes increasingly popular across London and the UK.

Shack Shake is one of the gourmet burger businesses with ambitious growth plans

Gourmet burger market steps up a gear

By Stefan Chomka

Reports of the death of the burger trend have been greatly exaggerated it would appear, with the market set to boom in the coming years as its main protagonists continue to expand.

The serviced apartment sector can expect a growing number of 'bleisure' customers and more bookings via mobile devices this year say industry leaders

Serviced apartment sector predictions for 2015

By Helen Gilbert

Two key members of the serviced apartment sector outline their views on what travellers will be demanding of the serviced accommodation market over the next 12 months and why it may be a good year for London-based expansion and global brands.

Inbound tourists are expected to spend more than £22bn in the UK next year

2015 to be record year for UK tourism and hospitality

By Emma Eversham

The forthcoming year is expected to be a record one for the UK’s tourism and hospitality industries with spend from overseas visitors forecast to reach £22 billion for the first time. 

H.en in Brighton is an example of the utilitarian, functional interiors that are set to remain big in 2015

Hospitality design trends for 2015

By Carina Perkins

Are you seeking out a new look for the New Year? Or opening a new venue? BigHospitality spoke to some of the UK’s hottest interior designers to get their top tips on the big trends set to hit hospitality in 2015.

Cocktails sales are set to soar in 2015 as consumers look for something special on their big night out

Top cocktail trends for 2015

By Carina Perkins

The UK has seen an unprecedented cocktail boom over recent years, and the category is set to outpace the drinks market in 2015. With this in mind, BigHospitality has compiled a list of the hottest cocktail trends for the year ahead.

Hotel industry predictions for 2015

Hotel industry predictions for 2015

By Carina Perkins

After a year of rising foreign investment, increased hotel transactions and continued threat from OTAs and the sharing economy, what lies ahead for the hotel industry in 2015? We asked some industry experts for their predictions.

As the year draws to a close, BigHospitality reviews some of the biggest stories of 2014

BigHospitality's 2014 review: our top 10 stories

By Carina Perkins

As the year pulls to a close, BigHospitality looks back at some of the biggest stories of the year – from Noma stealing back the title of World’s Best Restaurant to floods, beer duty and Tom Kerridge's long-awaited second pub.

The number of diners ordering vegetarian or nut-free dishes has fallen in 2014

Dining trends 2014: more intolerances, fewer vegetarians

By Lauren Houghton

The number of diners reporting lactose or gluten intolerance has risen in 2014, while the number of diners ordering vegetarian or nut-free dishes has fallen, according to data collected by food pre-ordering service TellTheChef.

Hospitality brands are flagging behind supermarkets when it comes to loyalty schemes

Hospitality lags behind on loyalty

By Carina Perkins

Hospitality brands are falling behind retailers when it comes to loyalty schemes, according to a new survey.

Almost half of men are frustrated by slow service when dining out at Christmas

Christmas dining trends: quick service top priority for men

By Lauren Houghton

Quick service is very important for men when dining out during the Christmas period, while women focus more on the whole experience, according to research by CGA Peach and hospitality technology provider Zonal Retail Data Solutions.

Eating out spend rose 4 per cent year-on-year in November, compared to a 8 per cent decline in overall leisure spend

Eating out spend continues to rise

By Carina Perkins

Eating out continued to outperform the overall leisure market last month, with families in particular spending more on meals at pubs and restaurants.

People 1st wants a campaign to highlight long term career opportunities in hospitality and tourism

People 1st calls for hospitality jobs campaign

By Carina Perkins

People 1st has called for a ‘hard hitting’ cross-industry campaign to promote the breadth of career opportunities the hospitality and tourism industry can offer.

Allen will assume the role of executive head chef at The Orangery

Chef Richard Allen joins Rockliffe Hall

By Lauren Houghton

Michelin-starred chef Richard Allen will take over the running of The Orangery restaurant at Rockliffe Hall hotel in Country Durham in January.  

Staff at The Punch Tavern on Fleet Street wore George Osborne masks for the launch of the campaign today

2% alcohol duty cut could give budget £1.5bn boost

By Melodie Michel

A 2 per cent alcohol duty cut could boost public finances by £1.5bn in 2015, according to an Ernst & Young report launched alongside the Wine and Spirit Trade Association’s (WSTA) ‘Drop the Duty’ campaign.

Over-attentive waiting staff deter diners from leaving tips

Pushy waiters deter diners from leaving tips

By Melodie Michel

Over-attentive waiting staff has been named as the most irritating practice in British restaurants in a survey commissioned by restaurant critic Barry Verber.

The new allergen legislation comes into force tomorrow

Allergen regulation: Time’s up

By Melodie Michel

The much-anticipated EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation came into force on 13 December. BigHospitality looks at what is changing, and the impact of the new law on the industry.

Eating out continues to grow, pushing restaurant sales upwards

Restaurant and pub sales up 3.4% in November

By Melodie Michel

Pub and restaurant groups enjoyed a 3.4 per cent increase in like-for-like sales in November compared to the same month last year, according to the Coffer Peach Business Tracker.

Hotels throughout the UK will continue to enjoy growth in the New Year

More growth expected for hotels

By Melodie Michel

Hotel performance both in London and in the regions is expected to remain strong until the end of the year, according to HotStats’ first Hotel Market Profitability Forecast.

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