Trends & Reports

Dish preferences differ according to nationalities

Infographic: Hotel guests’ breakfast preferences

By Melodie Michel

A majority of guests want as much variety as possible in hotel breakfasts, but different nationalities prioritise different aspects of the experience, according to a survey by

The coffee shop sector is expected to reach £16.5bn in turnover by 2020

Bright future for coffee shops

By Melodie Michel

The coffee shop sector is expected to reach £16.5bn in turnover and 27,000 outlets by 2020, according to a report by World Coffee Portal.

Edinburgh has become one of the country's top destinations

Scotland hot on tourist list for year end

By Melodie Michel

Scottish hotels are set to enjoy a busy end of 2014, as demand on Expedia has grown by 30 to 50 per cent compared to the same time last year.

The UK is approaching a tipping point where cards will overtake cash as the preferred method of payment

Card payments continue to rise

By Melodie Michel

Credit and debit card transactions rose by over 6 per cent in 2014, leaving hospitality operators that do not offer cashless payments ‘behind the curve’, according to payment processor Worldpay.

Pizza Hut is trialling a menu that uses retina recognition to determine what customers want

Pizza Hut trials ‘subconscious menu’

By Melodie Michel

Pizza Hut is trialling a ‘subconscious menu’ app that creates a customer’s perfect pizza based on the ingredients they spend the most time looking at, though the brand has “no firm plans” to roll the concept out yet.

UK hoteliers showed the most confidence in the hotel sector for2015

Confidence in the 2015 hotel sector rises

By Lauren Houghton

UK hoteliers showed the most confidence in the hotel sector for 2015 with 86 per cent of them taking a positive view of it, according to Choice Hotels' European Hotelier Pulse-Check survey.

Hospitality businesses are struggling to find reliable networks and many fear data security risks

Hospitality businesses struggle to find reliable Wi-Fi

By Carina Perkins

Network reliability and security concerns are preventing a third of small and medium-sized hospitality venues from introducing an effective wireless network, according to a new study from Netgear.

The LHVA mentors

Leeds hotels join industry mentoring scheme

By Lauren Houghton

The Leeds Hotels and Venues Association (LHVA) has partnered with the School of Events, Tourism and Hospitality at Leeds Beckett University to run a new mentoring programme.  

Obesity costs the NHS an estimated £776m a year

Experts call for restaurant measures to tackle obesity

By Ruth Williams

Obesity experts are calling on restaurants to reduce portion sizes and provide clear calorie information to tackle the UK’s obesity problem that is costing the country more than the combined cost of wars, terrorism and armed violence annually.

Yesterday parliamentary vote will result in the addition of a clause to the Small Business Bill

MPs' pubco vote divides industry

By Melodie Michel

MPs’ vote to allow ‘tied’ pub landlords to order beer from providers outside their brand is dividing the industry.

The service is being trialled at Thistle Euston

Thistle launches free ‘Choose Your Own Room’ service

By Melodie Michel

Thistle Hotels is trialling a service allowing all guests to take a virtual tour of their room at the time of booking after finding out that almost half of Brits have requested to change their room upon arrival.

Hotel RevPAR increased by 20 per cent across the UK in the third quarter of the year

Hotel RevPAR boosted by sports in Q3

By Lauren Houghton

Hotel RevPAR increased by 20 per cent across the UK in the third quarter of the year, according to the Zolfo Cooper, AM:PM and HVS Q3 2014 Hotel Bulletin.

Hotels can turn to contractual agreements with OTAs to control search engine advertising

Hotels losing out on search engine advertising

By Melodie Michel

Hotels could be missing out on direct bookings as a significant portion of trademark brand advertising on search engines is taken by online travel agencies (OTAs), according to research by BrandVerity.

London topped the European hotel investment survey

London top in Europe for hotel investment

By Lauren Houghton

Senior figures in hospitality ranked London as the preferred European city for hotel investment, according to a new survey by Deloitte. 

The UK restaurant landscape is undergoing significant change, with consumers seeking an informal dining experience

Comment: Talking about a generational shift

By Mark Wingett, editor M&C Report

Over the last few years there has been a generational shift in food awareness, a move that the New York Times recently referred to this phenomenon as a ‘gastronomic youthquake’. Food is the new rock ’n’ roll and chefs are the new rock stars.

Domino's and Pizza Hut were among the restaurant brands on this year's Youth 100 list

Domino's and PizzaExpress lead Youth100 list

By Mark Wingett

Domino’s Pizza has topped the fast food and restaurant category in this year’s Youth 100 List: which highlights the UK’s top brands according to 18-24 year olds.

The majority of bar staff, serving staff and kitchen assistants are currently paid less than the Living Wage

Hospitality jobs fall short of Living Wage

By Carina Perkins

Hospitality jobs are some of the lowest paid in the UK, with the majority of bar staff, waiting staff and kitchen assistants currently earning less than the Living Wage, according to new research from KPMG.

Overnight hotel costs have decreased in London and Glasgow this September

Hotel prices drop in London and Glasgow

By Lauren Houghton

Despite the trend for rising prices year-on-year in hotels throughout the UK, overnight costs decreased in London and Glasgow this September, according to 

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