Pub & Bar

Industry dismisses Johnson's 'vaccine passports' for pubs idea as 'repressive' and 'unworkable'

'Vaccine passports' for pubs 'repressive' and 'unworkable'

By James McAllister

Prominent voices from the hospitality industry have dismissed suggestions that publicans could require guests to have a so-called 'vaccine passport' to enter their pubs as 'repressive' and 'unworkable'.

Will I be able to order a beer at the bar in a pub in May lockdown

Government urged to allow ordering at the bar from May

By Restaurant

The Government is being called on to allow people to be able to order at the bar from the indoor opening of restaurants and pubs on 17 May, and for customers to be allowed to consume drinks while standing outdoors.

Prospect Pubs & Bars pair Dan Shotton and Mark Draper secure second site

Prospect Pubs & Bars pair secure second site

By James McAllister

Former Redcomb Pubs owners Dan Shotton and Mark Draper have added a second site to their Prospect Pubs & Bars portfolio, with further expansion already in the pipeline.