Business & Legislation

Night time economy at risk of ‘extinction’ without further support from Government

Night time economy at risk of ‘extinction’

By Joe Lutrario

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Night Time Economy has warned that the sector is at risk of ‘extinction’ unless the Government takes urgent action.

Business leaders press Government for pub reopening date soon after lockdown

Pub beer sales down nearly £8b in 2020

By Joe Lutrario

Beer and pub sector leaders are pressing the Government for a reopening date as data reveals that trading restrictions and lockdowns caused sales of beer to plummet by 56% in 2020.

Sacha Lord legal challenge heads to High Court

Sacha Lord legal challenge heads to High Court

By James McAllister

A legal challenge by Greater Manchester's night time economy advisor Sacha Lord against the restrictions placed on hospitality by the Government will be tried in the High Court.

Caffè Concerto to launch CVA after legal action launched by landlord Criterion Capital

Caffè Concerto to launch CVA

By James McAllister

London-based patisserie chain Caffè Concerto is launching a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) in an effort to reduce its rent debt after facing legal action from one of its landlords.

Losses at top 100 UK restaurants groups up 112%

Losses at top 100 UK restaurants groups up 112%

By James McAllister

New figures reveal that losses at the top-earning 100 UK restaurants group increased 112% to £571m last year, rising from reported losses of £269m at the end of last March.

Ocado to sell Hawksmoor steaks

Ocado to sell Hawksmoor steaks

By Joe Lutrario

Hawksmoor’s steaks will be available to buy from online supermarket Ocado and the steak restaurant group’s own website from next week.

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