Archives for December 7, 2012

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José Pizarro: Pearls of Wisdom

By Luke Nicholls

World-renowned chef José Pizarro is seen by many as 'the godfather of Spanish cuisine'. Having grown up in the region of Extremadura in western Spain, Pizarro moved to the UK 14 years ago, becoming chef-partner of Spanish food chain Brindisa in 2003 for...

Hotel crime: Police reveal top tips for hoteliers

By Peter Ruddick

Following the launch of the London Hotelwatch network, the police is urging regional hotels from across the country to join the service while revealing to BigHospitality the top tips hotels can take to tackle crime.

Service standards hold the key to profitable Christmas for restaurants

By Luke Nicholls

Restaurants across the UK are being urged to focus on providing first-class customer service and nurturing customer relationships throughout the festive period after a survey found that December is seen by diners as the worst month to eat out in terms of...