Business & Legislation

Hotel sees ebay wedding boom

Hotel sees ebay wedding boom

By Emma Eversham

A hotel in North Devon is using auction website ebay to sell wedding packages for £1k to boost its mid-week wedding trade

Business profile: D&D London

Business profile: D&D London

By Paul Wootton

D&D London has ambitious expansion plans in spite of the troubled economy. Its chairman and MD explain how theyre weathering the storm

Technology: Could you improve your bookings system?

Technology: Could you improve your bookings system?

By Jackie Mitchell

BigHospitality finds some of the electronic systems on the market that will help you manage your reservations better and could also help the rest of your business run more smoothly

Restaurants issued fire safety warning

Restaurants issued fire safety warning

By Becky Paskin

Restaurants have been warned by the London Fire Brigade to ensure they meet fire safety regulations, or face a large fine in the case of Solly’s Restaurant in Golders Green

Joint win at Vegetarian Chef Awards

Joint win at Vegetarian Chef Awards

By Becky Paskin

Joint winners from The Lanesborough and Mono have been named at the first Cordon Vert Vegetarian Chef of the Future awards

Chefs should be more imaginative, say vegetarians

Chefs should be more imaginative, say vegetarians

By Becky Paskin

With a growing number of diners actively seeking to cut down their meat consumption, Becky Paskin explores why chefs can’t afford to fob off vegetarians with unimaginative and lacklustre menu options

FSA revises salt reduction targets

FSA revises salt reduction targets

By Emma Eversham

The Food Standards Agency publishes revised voluntary salt reduction targets for the food industry to meet by 2012 in a bid to drop peoples average daily salt intake to 6g a day

Drinks promotions to be banned under new code

Drinks promotions to be banned under new code

By Emma Eversham

Licensed premises will be banned from running all you can drink style promotions and will have to sell wines and spirits in a range of measures under the Governments proposed new code of practice

MPs demand pub industry review

MPs demand pub industry review

By Emma Eversham

MPs are urging the Competition Commission to investigate the big pub companies after a report showed that there were serious problems over the way tenants have been treated

Find something unique at the Real Food Festival

Find something unique at the Real Food Festival

By Emma Eversham

The Real Food Festival kicks off in London tomorrow with 450 small producers showing their products and a host of top chefs demonstrating. Get discounted tickets with our Reader Offer

Tips law change made at wrong time says BHA

Tips law change made at wrong time says BHA

By Emma Eversham

The Government’s decision to move forward with plans to make it illegal for employers to top up staff wages with tips will land the industry with a high wage bill when it is already struggling says the British Hospitality Association

Business profile: Benugo

Business profile: Benugo

By Paul Wootton

Warner brothers presents a group of bespoke restaurants in public spaces and a ground-breaking chain of sandwich bars. So how did the Benugo boys do it?

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