Casual Dining

Tips on successful marketing

Tips on successful marketing

By Restaurant

A rise in expendable income means diners are likely to eat out more, but this is no time to sit back and relax It's never been more important for restaurateurs to get really good at marketing. Customers are more choosy about where they spend ...

New sexual harassment laws

New sexual harassment laws

By Restaurant

A new High Court ruling has made the employer liable for any sexual harassment, be it boisterous, discontented or amorous, of their staff at the hands of the public A new law has been passed in which the High Court ruled conclusively that employers ...

The evolution of restaurant PR

The evolution of restaurant PR

By Restaurant

Fay Maschler ponders the apparent evolution of restaurant PR and finds many a missing link My late, much-missed pal Alan Crompton-Batt was often credited with having invented the profession of restaurant PR. It was in the early 1980s, after he got ...

Restaurant energy-saving methods

Restaurant energy-saving methods

By Restaurant

The highs and lows of energy costs vs energy savings, and some balancing incentives With energy prices at an all-time high, it is becoming increasingly important for restaurants to take a closer look at their energy-saving methods and technologies. ...

Restaurant sues reviewer and wins

Restaurant sues reviewer and wins

By Restaurant

How one restaurant has set the record straight A libel verdict in the Northern Ireland High Court earlier this month may help to give reviewers pause for thought and affronted restaurateurs greater confidence in setting the record straight. In August...


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