Flash-grilled: Kayleigh Thorogood

By James McAllister

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Flash-grilled: Kayleigh Thorogood

Related tags Kayleigh Thorogood Rogan & Co Restaurant Fine dining Front of house

The restaurant manager at Rogan & Co shares her top front of house tips, her pet customer hates in the dining room, and reveals a love of Bisto.

What was your first job?
I started working in a small Italian restaurant in my hometown when I was 16 years old. It was my first job and also my first introduction to hospitality.  

Why did you want to work in restaurants?
For myself and my family going out to restaurants has always been a special treat mainly to celebrate occasions, dining out with them brings me many happy memories that I will always remember. Being part of that experience for others was what ultimately made me want to work in restaurants.

If you weren’t in the industry, what would you do?
I would probably work with children, to which capacity I am not sure… I suppose I’ve never had to think about it in too much depth.

What industry figure do you most admire, and why?
It would be hard to name a singular figure that I admire most from our industry, I have been lucky enough to meet hospitality legends through competitions and events and they’ve all given me inspiration and knowledge. But I would be lying if I said any of these encounters or any books that I have read have inspired me more than the industry figures that I have been mentored by throughout my career and the incredible team I am surrounded by each day at the Rogan restaurants in the Lake District.

What's your pet hate in the dining room?
Oooh there is certainly a few! I think video calls at tables, guests who remove their shoes at the table and guests who refuse to move their arms when we are serving food are near the top for me.

What’s your best tip for keeping calm under pressure during a busy service?
It’s important to always have a mental list of the next five things you need to do. It’s a conversation I’ve had with many members of my team and it’s a great way to prioritise during service and keep calm and focused.

What’s the oddest thing a customer has said to you?
At Rogan & Co, we have a structural pole near to the centre of the restaurant, once a gentleman shouted quite loudly at me “are you going to give us a dance” to which majority of the restaurant heard. Luckily these things don’t happen often.

What advice would you give someone starting out in the industry?
Our industry can be a tough one but also extremely rewarding. Ours is a job that requires passion and determination so I would advise to find that passion in the beginning and it will drive you through the tough times. Stay focused and keep learning there’s always more and more to learn.

What’s the best meal you’ve ever eaten in a restaurant?
That's such a hard choice. We went to The Fat Duck last year and the whole experience was incredible from start to finish. We also went to Tuscany recently and I ate burrata in a tiny cafe that almost made me cry, so for me both styles of dining are so important.

What’s your favourite comfort food, post shift?
I couldn’t lie about this as my team would out me instantly… but in the winter I love a cup of Bisto. Strange I know. In the summer I eat tomatoes in abundance.

MasterChef or Great British Menu?
Great British Menu of course!

What’s your earliest food memory?
I’m not sure if it is my earliest food memory as that would probably be birthday cake. However, my strongest childhood food memory would be walking along the seafront where I grew up in Cleethorpes with my granddad each Sunday and him collecting a pot of fresh cockles from a small fish van. I remember the smell and the saltiness so vividly.

Where do you go when you want to let your hair down?
Around the corner from Rogan & Co is Unsworth Yard Brewery - it has a great cheese shop, wine snug and brewery. If I’m not at the restaurant, you’ll probably find me there.

What's your tipple of choice?
A bloody mary, which is without a doubt my favourite cocktail. With a decent amount of spice.

What’s your favourite dish to eat at home?
We love shakshuka, we had it once a week in lock down. It’s so easy and definitely our most cooked dish.

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