The Burnt Chef Project launches mental wellbeing app for hospitality sector


Not-for-profit social enterprise The Burnt Chef Project has partnered with mental health service provider Thrive to launch a wellbeing app approved by the NHS that's aimed at supporting hospitality employees.

Designed to offer support all sections of the hospitality workforce, the app includes an 'in app chat' function whereby fully trained therapists are able to provide text based support to guide individuals or provide most relevant support at critical times.

It also features 100+ hours of content covering meditation, deep muscle relaxation and self suggestion tools; resilience building assignments; and a mood tracker.

The app is available to businesses on a monthly subscription basis at a rate of £3 per person, per month for hospitality firms, and is accessible in nine different languages.

“The Wellbeing App is the missing piece which moves us from a reactive position to a proactive position so individuals can be truly in control of their wellbeing and look to mid-long term sustainable development,” says Kris Hall, founder of The Burnt Chef Project.

“It’s a vital component of not just providing easy access to mental health services to our teams and improving our workplace wellbeing but also providing critical support to the thousands of mental health first aid-trained individuals within the industry.

“With over eight million people on the NHS waiting list for therapy currently it's essential that we can provide access to both those experiencing difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing but also to those who may be overwhelmed supporting their peers and colleagues.” 

For further details about Thrive: Mental Wellbeing app in partnership with The Burnt Chef Project, click here.