In an open letter to the Evening Standard signed by more than 40 prominent business leaders, many from the hospitality sector, Mayor Sadiq Khan is called on to immediately reinstate the night tube service in full. It follows the Mayor of London’s recent announcement of a partial reinstatement of the late night tube in late November of the Victoria and Central lines.
“As key business owners in London and the West End we are urging him to immediately reinstate the night service in full,” the letter to the editor reads.
“This is to provide reassurance for women concerned for their safety and wanting a more secure option when travelling at night.
“Mr Khan himself described the national issue of violence against women and girls as an ‘epidemic’ and we believe he there is a duty of care to provide a safe transport infrastructure. When fully operational, the night tube service provides essential transportation for key workers, those who work within the night-time economy and visitors to London and the West End.
“Given recent events women must be granted the choice of a journey on the night tube, for many their preferred option when travelling into the early hours.
“The capital is striving to get back on its feet, but the safety of women in the capital is paramount, and a full night tube service would provide some of the reassurance and security they expect, and we demand.”