Hospitality industry sheds more staff than any other sector


The hospitality industry has seen the highest increase in unemployment than any other single sector, new figures from The Office for National Statistics show.

The findings released today (15 December) show the number of hospitality employees made redundant in the UK increased by 58,000 to 171,000 over the last year, making up a third of all redundancies across sectors.  

Redundancy rates have increased in every industry. Between February and November, it was reported there was 800,000 less employees on the payroll.

The number of people reporting redundancy between August and October climbed from 217,000 to a record of 370,000 on the quarter, with the highest rates in the 16-24 age group. 

The findings come as the latest Government announcement moves London, as well as parts of Essex and Hertfordshire, into the highest Covid restrictions.

“Even with furlough payments still available until March, today’s ONS figures show how the pandemic has played havoc with so many people’s livelihoods,” says Julian Cox, an employment law specialist and partner at law firm BLM. 

“With much of the country in, or about to enter, tier three, these restrictions will only cause further devastation as staffing requirements continue to see a downward trend, particularly in the hospitality and retail sectors.”