Restaurant group launches service to support kids entitled to free school meals


London-based group Qoot is launching a service across its different restaurant businesses to support children who would usually be entitled to a free school meal.

After today (20 March), schools across the UK will be closed indefinitely as the country continues to step up its response to the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic. 

The only exception will be for children who are considered vulnerable, and those with a parent identified as a key worker.

In order to help those families with children now at home, Qoot says it is offering free lunchboxes to all kids in London who would usually be legible to claim a free school meal.

Available on display of benefits documentation, the lunchbox will comprise of a sandwich, drink and a snack, and can be collected from currently open Qoot outlets including all By Chloe, Dominique Ansel, and Gentlemen Barista locations in the capital.

“Covid-19 is an existential threat to the UK’s most vulnerable families, if we at Qoot can go some way in relieving that threat then at least there will be some positive to rise from this tragic time for the hospitality industry and our nation as a whole,” says Qoot’s COO Simon Wright. 

Meanwhile, in Edinburgh, restaurant group Civerinos Food Club has said it is offering school children eligible for free meals a complimentary pizza slice at any of its three city centre locations from Monday-Friday from 12-2pm until further notice.

“I am very aware of how important the school meal is for all children and in particular the free school meal to a number of households in the city,” says Civerinos owner Michele Civiera.

“After speaking with parents locally who were upset over the prospect and uncertainty of not having that hot meal as well as reduced income over the coming months, I personally wanted to help in any way that we can as a local business.”