The programme, created by the late chef Peter Hazzard, was taken over by the Todiwala's 10 years ago, and is designed to pass on skills to other chefs and food-lovers through chef demonstrations and master classes. It will be managed by hospitality trainer Sam Coulstock.
Cyrus Todiwala will kick the programme off on 26 January where he'll be hosting a masterclass on cooking Indian seafood in Café Spice Namaste's demonstration kitchen. He will be followed by Ben Tish on 8 February with a masterclass on Small Italian Plates.
Other chefs planning to showcase their skills include pastry chef Sarah Hartnett (11 April), Simon Hulstone (9 May) and Francesco Mazzei (22 May).
All two-hour classes start at 10am and are followed by lunch.
Pervin Todiwala said, ‘With Adventure Gourmet, we want to keep our friend Peter Hazzard’s love of good, beautifully prepared and presented food and his vision for training tomorrow’s industry workforce alive.
"All the chefs who have come on board are not just professionals, they are friends, and we invite chefs who want to make a difference and have some fun via Adventure Gourmet to contact Sam. Cyrus and I are excited about having Sam on board too as he is the consummate professional and well regarded in the industry. With him, we are confident that the quality of Adventure Gourmet is assured."
Sessions cost £125 plus VAT. To book email Sam Coulstock at