Big Hospitality Conversation set for Leeds debut

The Big Hospitality Conversation is heading to Leeds for the first time this year, with over 100 hospitality firms set to attend.

On 26 September restaurants, hotels and caterers from across the region will come together at the Queens Hotel to pledge jobs, apprenticeships and work placements for young people aged 16-24 years old.

Over 57,000 job opportunities have so far been created at similar events around the country, and the British Hospitality Association (BHA) is aiming to create 60,000 jobs for young people by 2016.

Ufi Ibrahim, chief executive of the BHA, said: “The 41st event to date will allow Leeds' youth to take the chance to meet great employers in the region and leave with a job offer! We are proud that our campaign continues to demonstrate the importance of action when it comes inspiring the next generation.”

The event is being supported by the Leeds Business Improvement District (LeedsBID) to help lower youth unemployment in the city.

Andrew Cooper, chief executive of the Leeds BID, said: “If you look at the hospitality within the city, there are so many hotels and new restaurants opening their doors all of which are keen to have the right staff with a passion for service."#

The event will run on 26 September from 11am – 12pm for young people aged 14-16, and from 1pm-4pm for all ages.

For more information and to register contact or e-mail

Hospitality businesses with placement and employment opportunities wishing to attend the event are invited to register at