New boutique consultancy service for luxury hotels
Product Details:
The Sixth Element Luxury Consulting was created by lifestyle journalist and former hotel PR Belinda Wanis and focuses specifically on helping luxury leisure companies improve guest experience to win loyalty.
The company works with clients to perform a qualitative audit of their offering, and provide a bespoke plan to differentiate and personalise their service to ensure guests return and become advocates of the brand.
Wanis has a background in psychology and has worked as a PR director specialising in luxury hotels on top of 15 years’ experience working as a travel and lifestyle journalist. She claims this gives her unique insight into what makes guests tick when it comes to luxury travel experiences.
Visit or call 078 1806 1906 to find out more.
Why you should buy it:
Wanis said: “Sixth Element Luxury Consulting was borne out of a desire to address a gap in the market for consulting on trends, personalisation and experiential differentiation.
“We are here to assist hotels, airport lounges and airlines with fresh creative insights based on worldwide trends and cross-cultural psychology to ensure that guests feel special and walk away feeling happy with the experience that they have had at their establishment.”