Guests who choose to check-in online will receive a text message and email link before their stay, enabling them to confirm their booking details and arrival time. Once checked-in, a personalised QR code will be sent to their smartphone, which they can scan at a mobile kiosk in the hotel lobby to retrieve their room keys.
Jurys Inn said it was introducing the new technology in response to the growing number of customers using mobile phones to make bookings and access its website. The hotel group has seen mobile revenues increase by 80 per cent over the past twelve months, with bookings made on iphones and ipads doubling over that period.
Suzanne Cannon, group marketing manager at Jurys Inn, said: “Our customers are increasingly using mobile devices to make bookings so it is important we adapt our services in line with this changing consumer behaviour.
“Convenience is key, particularly for business travellers, and online check-in will provide a seamless experience so that guests can choose to check-in by smartphone, laptop or tablet at a time that suits them, meaning they spend less time at the check-in desk and more time enjoying their stay at the hotel.”