Hot Hotels: Last-minute hotel booking app launched to fill unoccupied rooms

Hot Hotels, a new app for the iPhone, Android and BlackBerry platforms, provides hotels with a means of getting rid of their perishable inventory, helping to fill otherwise unoccupied rooms. 

Product details:

According to recent research, the average price of a hotel room in the UK was £82, with an average of one in four hotel rooms remaining unoccupied each night. The Hot Hotels app was launched to try and counteract this to the benefit of both consumer and hotel; taking the headache away from hotels eager to fill unoccupied rooms at short notice, while reaching consumers that may otherwise not have booked a room.

The app provides a last-minute hotel booking platform for consumers looking for a room at short notice, allowing them to book as late as 3am the same evening.

Having launched in the UK and Ireland earlier this month, over 40 hotels are already signed up to the Hot Hotels app in cities around the country. The app originally launched in Spain in early 2012 ( and has over 550 hotels currently signed up to the service worldwide.


Hot Hotels offers a simple channel through which hotels can advertise and get rid of their inventory, ultimately increasing their revenue. Users of the app can make bookings directly with the hotel through the app at a click of a button, taking less than 10 seconds.


The app can be accessed now at  


The service is free for hotels to sign up to, with Hot Hotel charging the hotel an industry standard commission on hotel rooms booked through the app.

Customers can book hotel rooms as late as 3am the same evening

Why should you buy it?

Conor O’Connor, co-founder of the Hot Hotels app, said: “The fact remains that one in four hotel rooms in the UK goes unoccupied every night, whilst many consumers can’t fork out the premiums often associated with booking rooms at the last minute.

“We aim to help both parties benefit- taking the headache away of trying to fill empty rooms and encouraging consumers to stay through reduced rates at the same time.”

Additional information:

For more information, or to download the app, visit