Teknomat launches compact version of Synchro espresso machine
Product details:
The Synchro Compact weighs 52kg and takes up limited space despite having two groups. It also has an eight litre boiler which the company says makes it one of the largest boiler capacities in its class.
Features of the new Synchro Compact include two stainless steel steam arms, a hot water tap, manual group overrides, programmable pre-infusions, and three filter holders.
The Teknomat Synchro Compact is perfect for operators who offer high quality coffee and need two group heads but are short on space and the product can be used in venues where only 13 amp power is available.
Price quotes for all the products in the Teknomat range are available by contacting the Buckinghamshire-based company direct however the Synchro Compact is on sale for £2649.
More information on the Synchro Compact and the entire Teknomat range can be found by contacting the UK team on 01844 339828 or sales@teknomat.co.uk
Why should you buy it?
A spokesperson for Teknomat said: "The machine boasts one of the largest boiler capacities in its class. The Synchro is a high class machine range, which is handmade by traditional machine experts in Italy. Customers can choose from three striking colours: black, red or orange, with chrome available on special order."
Teknomat sells a range of grinders as well as accessories for its machines including frothing jugs and thermometers, coffee tampers and under drawer and under grinder knock boxes.
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