Leon to put calorie information online

Healthy fast-food chain Leon is putting the nutritional content of its dishes, including how much fat and calories each contains on its website

Healthy fast-food chain Leon is putting the nutritional content of its dishes, including how much fat and calories each contains, on its website this year and said it could introduce them onto menus in its restaurants in the future.

The nine-strong chain has set up a focus group with 100 of its customers using the social networking site Facebook and has asked them to review its system and suggest any ways of improvement.

The finalised nutritional information is expected to be put on its website within the next month or so.

Leon previously used to indicate dishes with a low Glycaemic Index – which ranks carbohydrates based on their effect on blood glucose levels – on its restaurant menus but has switched to calculating Glycaemic Load instead, which calculates carbohydrates based on their GI and portion size as part of the move to provide clearer nutritional information. It also states on its menus whether a product is low in saturated fat.

James Backhouse, commercial manager at Leon, said the company wouldn’t be putting calorie counts on its menus in the short term but wouldn’t rule it out in the future. “We want to give people nutritional information that they can access before they come to our restaurants. Only information on GL and saturated fat will be on our menus for the time being but that could change."

Leon's chicken laksa soup will become the first casualty of the move and will come off the menu because of its high-fat content, said Backhouse.